CC4CARB is an innovative chemistry center focused on the synthesis, acquisition, and distribution of rationally designed, focused libraries free-of-charge to the global scientific community for use in Gram-negative antibacterial drug discovery programs.

A CC4CARB presentation narrated by the CC4CARB PI

If you wish to have a discussion with CC4CARB representatives, please view this video prior to the teleconference.

CC4CARB is a global collaboration with NIAID and we have received proposals from all over the world

Under the Scaffold Proposal header, we welcome the scientific community to submit ideas for antibiotic scaffolds to support this initiative.

Your Scaffold Proposal will be reviewed by an independent Scientific Advisory Board and then by RTI and NIAID.

The external PI of an accepted proposal will be eligible for up to 10 hours of compensation at $150/hour USD to facilitate design of their associated Individual Library Production Plan (ILPP).

Diagram showing workflow process. First path shows Applicant Idea (CDA/NDA Optional) going to CC4CARB Submission Online and then Administrative Review. If revising application, back to Applicant Idea, but if accepted then SAB Scientific Review. If improving idea, back to Applicant Idea, but if accepted then Library Design in Collaboration with Submitter. Then, Individual Library Production Plan and then COR Review. After COR Review, if Not Programmatic, back to Applicant Idea. After COR Review, if Redesigning Library, then Library Design in Collaboration with Submitter. After COR Review, if Individual Library Production Plan in queue, then Compound Synthesis, and then Added to CC4CARB Collection. Second path shows Applicant Request Compounds through Iterative Design going to Library Design in Collaboration with Submitter, and Applicant Request Compounds back and forth with Added to CC4CARB Collection.

If you wish to discuss your submission with an RTI team member, please email the project email address at or call (833) 870-0484.

RTI shall preserve the confidentiality of proposals submitted to the center except where disclosure is required by law (Freedom of Information Act); however, compounds made from proposals submitted under CC4CARB will be publicly disclosed. See Proposal Confidentiality Policy.

The Chemistry Center for Combating Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria (CC4CARB) is a NIH NIAID lead initiative
contracted with RTI International. CC4CARB is a free service completely supported by NIH NIAID.