Scaffold Proposal

RTI welcomes a submission of a "draft" scaffold proposal for initial review prior to a scaffold proposal being formally submitted to the Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) for consideration. Simply use the following Word document to draft your proposal and email it to

If you have ideas for a focused library and wish to participate in CC4CARB to support our objective, please:
  • Complete the scaffold submission form provided in the Word document
  • Upon completion, send the submission form to


Submit via web form

The submission criteria of a proposed scaffold to be considered in CC4CARB are:

  • Description of the scaffold, preferably a structure, and the goals/rationale for making a library.
  • Rationale for why the scaffold represents a compelling hypothesis involving the treatment of Gram-negative or antibiotic resistant Gram-positive infections, plus references.
  • Vision for testing scaffold analogs, including key microbes if known. Ability to test compounds not required but is highly preferred.
  • Library design concepts are encouraged, but not necessary. Library design will be a collaborative effort between RTI and the external PI.
  • Curriculum Vitae or NIH Biosketch.
  • Innovation, novelty, and concepts addressing Gram-negative antimicrobial discovery and development will be prioritized if accepted.

Proposal and Library Design Samples:

CC4CARB Proposal Sample CC4CARB Library Design Sample (ILPP)

If you have any questions, please email us at or call at the toll-free number (833) 870-0484.

  • Scaffold proposals submitted to CC4CARB either via email or through the electronic form will be confidential; however, compounds synthesized from accepted proposals will be made public as part of the Collection.
  • RTI may delay public disclosure of the chemical structures and associated data upon request from the PI for up to 18 months. This "embargo" period shall apply equally and simultaneously to all compounds in the ILPP to which the embargo applies. See FAQs for additional details.
  • A CC4CARB representative may be in contact if additional information is needed for a submitted scaffold proposal to facilitate its review through the Scientific Advisory Board.
  • There is no compensation for the preparation of scaffold proposals submitted to CC4CARB; however, up to $1500.00 USD are available for the applicant's time when reviewing the ILPP associated with their scaffold.
  • No basis for claims against the United States Government shall arise because of a response to this project or from the Government's use of such information. A scaffold proposal or compound request form submitted through the CC4CARB portal will be accessed and reviewed by a Scientific Advisory Board, NIH NIAID, and RTI staff.
  • Information submitted through this portal will be stored on a secure RTI server, and to the extent required under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), the submitted information may be subject to public disclosure.